Monday, April 5, 2010

Im supposed to be writing a paper on stress and stress managment when im so stress out about the paper being perfect i feel like a hypocrite. This whole apa format is just seems to not click in my head. One thing i know though is to never give up. Just keep going . I don't want to repeat this writing class again at all but i need a 73 percent hopefully if i work hard and do my best i will get there. hey thats one of my points to stress management in my paper i guess it does work always think posetive...........

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

rough draft of my final project

I wrote a paper on stress and let me tell you i was so stress writing it, ironic isn't it hahah i wanted to do such a good job, i wanted to be precised on the information that i over looked the simpleist grammar and punctuation erros. but good it is a rough draft. I didn't realize so many people were interested in my paper i didn't want to dissapoint anyone as well as my self. It took a lot out of me but hopefully when i turn it in for a final project i ll have everything fixed and the paper in better shape........

Monday, March 15, 2010

changes in me and school

I have to say its so hard to juggle my life and school lately. My family we are having so many personal issues. I feel like i know its not my problem to take on all this responsibility, but i feel like i have to , i have to hold this family together. School is hard and see that my personal life is effecting my school work and i don't want that happening. I never really was one of those people who cared about them self, im that person that would suffer just to make sure that you have a smile on your face. Im trying to change that though, i want to better myself, i want to do it physically and mentally. the job i have now stresses me out so much and my family and everything, thats why i decided to do a paper on stress. I want to help myself and help others who are going through the same situation that i am progressing in. will thats all for now peeps until next time.......

Monday, March 8, 2010

school and writing

When it comes to academic writing im not the best. My writing skills have improved since being here in kaplan. APA format is just not my favorite thing to do, i seem to have the most trouble with this subject. Being in college though it makes me feel good inside like im doing something important in my life something to better my self. Now when it comes to just creative writing i have no problem with this area. I used to write stories and i have a journal for my dreams. When i wake up in the morning or in the middle of the night i try to write down what i dreamed about and some of them are so weird, but some make sense. I like to create fantasy worlds where i can just escape reality. Im so obssesed with the twilight sagas and i just know started reading claudia grays series evernight wonderful books. Back to school, i wish i didn't wait so long to start college but at least i did and hopefully this will help my career and my life.......

Monday, March 1, 2010


What can i say about plagerism i probally spelled that one first off, but it is toatolly wrong. I understand that it is okay to use someone elses information on certain subjects as long as your show your refrence where you got it from. It is against law.... I once wrote a term paper on child abuse for school and i found out that one of my class mates stole my paper copy it and must have thrown it out or something. I was issued an f and then the teacher as her to read her paper in front of the class which she didn't want to do but did ne way and i spoke up and was like thats my paper and luckily i kept the rough draft and she got suspended from school and i think some authorit was involved too. When your doing this online though its hard sometimes not to use someone else words but if you reword it in your own i think you would be fine right .... take it easy until next time peeps.....

Monday, February 22, 2010

my first blog

Ok i am so new to this so bare with me people i dont exactly know what im doing. Im attending kaplan university and im in this class where we are supposed to blog and now im trying to catch up with everyone else. I have to say doing college online is a lot harder then i thought it would be. You are basically on your own i mean yes you have your professor and fellow students that you can get help from but in the end you aren't actually at a regular college in class rooms where its one on one or hands on. I think so far im doing okay i can't wait to finish. I want my degree so i can get a better job. will i guess i should close this with something about me, my name is tiffany payne im twenty five years old im a nurses aide. I like to go out clubs or bars, hange with my friends or spend time with my family. Im single lets not go there. I obsses with books about vampires like twilight and claudia gray series. I really don't know what else to write so unitl next time we meet......peace